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License Music

Royalty-Free Creative Common License For Use In Non-Commercial, Independent Video Projects ONLY

Short-version: You can copy, distribute, and transmit the work freely in a video project, and you can remix the work freely (edit to conform to your video, etc.) for your video project, so long as (1) there is an attribution (i.e., a “credit”) in your video work of this website (Example: “Music provided by makerofmusic.com,” along with the song title, and your license number – you will receive your license number upon completion of this form); (2) you have obtained a new license on this web page for every video, even if you are using the same music (UNLESS YOU USE A TUNE AS A REGULAR THEME SONG, in which case use one license); and, (3) your use is not commercial (i.e., not for a profit, subject to the exceptions, below).

There are two exceptions to the commercial use. First, if you are a YouTube partner and make money off your channel, you may still use the music freely with attribution (this will not qualify as “commercial” for my purposes so long as you have not received remuneration for making the video via, for example, product placement). Second, if you have received my written permission to use the work in a commercial venture, you may use the music in a commercial setting.

You must not distort, mutilate, modify or take other derogatory action in relation to the Work which would be prejudicial to the Original Author’s honor or reputation.

Click here to see the full license language, and keep a copy for your records

Certification and Acknowledgment: I have read the above terms and conditions of the Creative Commons License for this music, and I agree to abide by the terms and conditions.

Name (will act as a digital signature)

Email (must be a good email address for you to receive the license number)

Name of Work

(The name of the song that you wish to use in your video project)

Link to your work (Example: link to your YouTube video… if you have not made the video yet, insert a link to your YouTube channel)

One Response

  1. marta says:

    thank you

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